Italian politics is facing Facebook and Youtube. In the rest of the world experts try to understand if revolutionary movements spring from social network activities, while in Italy political leaders, members of Parlamient, local administrators try to communicate with the citizens – voters through Facebbok and Youtube.
The sociological studies show us the complexity of techniques and the different experiment in building consistent contents.
The Italian politics is too often rethorical and used to television logics. It’s not able to use new technologies, it does not know them but it’s unable to avoid them.
The way to make information is changing and the political communication too. Representatives of political parties seems incapable to create an online identity. They self celebrate and do not involve people. Barack Obama is a model hard to be reached. Italian politics still doesn’t find the course. In the era who shouts stronger prevails it’s difficult to understand how to improve democracy. Neverthless social networks seems to garantee the success to whom able to involve people.
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